The next time I agree to do three books in one season, someone please try to talk me into my senses. WOW. This is a A LOT of work. So you figure, hey, how bad can it be, two revisions and one new title... yeah right.

Mastering AutoCAD Architecture 2010 is in Copy Edit and Proof. I am reviewing Copy Edit of Chapters 10, 16, 17 and 18 right now. I should have those posted back to the production folks tomorrow. We have already finished Chapters 1 -9, and 12 and 13. So the only Chapters I still need to see in Copy Edit are 14 and 15. (Yes we sometimes work out of order). Proofs are moving a little more slowly. I have only seen two chapters in Proof so far, but I am told that many more are expected soon. We have an ETA for this book of sometime in October. I will update the progress here when I know more. You can learn more and order here.
The book that is taking all of my time right now is the brand new title. Mastering AutoCAD MEP 2010. As I noted in a previous post, I am authoring this book with three industry experts: Martin Schmid, Gregg Stanley and Darryl A. McClelland. Darryl is my SME for Mechanical and HVAC, Gregg for Plumbing, Piping and Content Builder, Martin is Electrical, Content, and Programming. These guys are top notch professionals. However, it is quite a challenge to take four very different writing styles and make it all sound like one voice.
The basic process we have established goes like this: we devised a table of contents. Then we split the chapters up between us by area of expertise. Everyone goes off an works on their first draft and then sends them to me for as what one of my previous co-authors (Jim Smell) called it: "Word smithing." Sounds great until you realize that three guys can write faster than one guy can review. So at the moment, I am the bottleneck on this project. They have all pretty much finished their first drafts. They are now waiting patiently for me to send them bloodied reviews. :-)
This process is taking me quite a while. As many of you may know, my background and expertise is architectural, so I am learning MEP, learning about engineering and writing / rewriting these chapters as I go. However, it is moving very swiftly now. We have the Quick Start, and Chapters 1 - 7 in to Tech Edit. I am finisihing Chapters 9 and 10 this weekend. Chapter 8 will follow. That will leave 11 - 15. We have two chapters in to Copy Edit. More to follow soon. So there is still plenty of work to do, but everyone is busy and things are moving. Our goal with this book is to have it ready in time for Autodesk University. All four of us will be moderating a panel at AU. It is a 90 minute session call AutoCAD MEP Ask the Experts. If you are going to AU, drop by and join the session.
Well, that is all I have for now. I have to get back to editing chapters.