Thanks to the readers that email us with questions, we are able to keep you all up to date on the latest corrections we find in the text of my/our books. So thank you in advance to everyone who contacts us.

In this update, some of our readers are experiencing issues with the MAMEP piping catalog(s) that is used in Chapter 6 of Mastering AutoCAD MEP. The issue is that the Catalog and Part ID's may be the same as the default Catalogs from AutoCAD MEP 2010. If you are experiencing a problem selecting the fittings indicated in the Create a Routing Preference exercise, please download the
MAMEP file and replace the MAMEP Pipes.apc and the MAMEP Steel Pipes.apc file in
C:\MasterMEP 2010\MAMEP Pipe with the ones provided in the zip file.
Thank you.